- Food Bank (once a month, every month).
Anson County residence, ID, proof of income, SS#, food stamp amount if received.
- Registers for Mobile Food Pantry (once a month).
- Operates a Thrift Store (Hidden Secrets).
- Assist burned-out families with food, clothes, household items, and furnture as available.
| Fire Report required.
- Assists recently released inmates with clothing as available.
| Prison Release Form required.
- Assists domestic violence victims with food, clothing, household items, and furnitures as available.
| Police, Court, or Domestic Violence paperwork required.
- Assists grandparents and guardians in crisis with school clothes and supplies.
- Assists with medications when funds available.
- Assists with water and power bills once in two years when funds are available.
| 1. Within Government Financial Guidelines 2. And/or receive Food Stamps.
- Household items and furniture.
| Need and financial circumstances.